Photography: 50 shades of grey
This place has a pretty basic jacket on. The reason is that I want to mainly focus on the written word. And I know you, my lovely readers. We struggle to pay attention on a reading session. So photo’s are very important. Not only to entertain you. But to give this digital home a professional feel. Because I want to be taken seriously as a writer (even though I put some jokes in between the lines). And the photo’s usually represent me as a person in the context. So, not to be all ego and post thousand pictures of myself. I just want the reader to know the writer as well. All pictures are mostly set in nature for that dreamy affect (because I’m a dreamer type of person) And the black and white? Yeah, I find the calmness of a colourless picture stunning. I do wonder why they call it black and white and not just grey. And why we don’t categorize them in the 50 shades that apparently excist (;-P).
My name is Lynn and I am a dreamer.
– Photography by Cindy Korf

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