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    A thousand years

    Januari has already passed by and we are really living in 2017 now. While some dont see the point of making resolutions because the changing of one number in our year counting doesnt change their lives. I see a beauty in a fresh start. In stead of making resolutions, I am setting goals.

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    Stop and Stare

    “I really wish I would be living in a big house.” Sounds formilair? These wishes are the fuel for our our existence. They give life meaning and the reason we become driven. Maybe even the reason why we get out of bed every morning. I started to stop for a moment to be grateful for the wishes that DID came true for me.

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    All I want for Christmas

    The days are shorter and colder. Lights and decorations everywhere. The festive season has arrived. As many delicious food and presents on a wishlist. Thats what most people want during the holidays. But is it what I want?

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    Dont Look Back In Anger

    Yes, I am still alive. My last article was at the beginning of summer while its now the end of summer. My summer was busy with looking for myself and my future. I found it in the form of the University of Applied Science of Amsterdam. Why am I writing this down and how does it have something in common with the title. Let me explain.